Feedback for Smart Mod


Just started using the Smart Mod. Find it to be a real time saver. But two things I have found and given I am new to using this mod it may just be something I am doing wrong, but here’s what I have found, When Creating Splitters in a row joined by some Conveyer Belt I found it worked well on the flat surface but when placing on top of an existing run of splitters it would Indicate it was encroaching others clearance. the other one was with the solar panels it seems to overlap the edges which is certainly nice for the extra power the extra row would give on a long run but when placing the manually it is not possible to overlap the edge it also did not run the power to them at all.

Otherwise if you are starting a new factory it works like a dream.

As I indicated in the topic header this is only feedback. But I hope to see this mod grow more and more