How will we know when mods are working again?

I don’t see anything in the Launcher today indicating that my game’s about to crash on launch, but I do understand it’s a matter of waiting for mod updates (for me, it’s Passive Mode, More Milestones, and Kraigsta Milestones). Is it simply “try it every few days and see”, or something more subtle than that?

We’ve created a spreadsheet to give better insight into which mods marked as “Use at your own risk” on are actually working or broken. This is still not ideal but a better stopgap than the filter on that website
Please check this document before asking if a mod works/is going to updated! And if the mod you’re looking for isn’t on there and you end up testing it, please send a message in U5 Compatibility list to let us know what the results were, so that others can find the info more easily in the future