SML loading error

I had an error loading the game. at first the log listed a mod DLL, (UtilityMod-0.6.0.dll) then the xinput1_3.dll SML file. so i removed the utility mod, thinking was the issue.

but i still get a xinput1_3.dll error that something is missing. i redownloaded and replaced the dll, but the same thing.

here is the log file. Suggestions?

[SML::Info] Attached SatisfactoryModLoader v1.0.2 to Satisfactory
[SML::Info] Finding config file…
[SML::Info] Validating system files…
[SML::Info] Sig file in place!
[SML::Warning] Skipping already disabled crash reporter
[SML::Info] Version check passed!
[SML::Info] Initialized SDK
[SML::Info] Looking for mods in: D:\epic\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess\FactoryGame\Binaries\Win64\mods
[SML::Error] Mod DLL D:\epic\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess\FactoryGame\Binaries\Win64\mods\xinput1_3.dll does not have the required information!
[SML::Info] Starting mod setup!
[CustomInventorySize::Info] Finished CustomInventorySize setup!

the error that pops up when the loader fails reads:

satisfactory mod loader has crashed! in the title bar.

the message is ‘you are missing SID_p from your install! Make sure you installed your mods properly!’

i looked in the mods archives i had downloaded, none have tha file. if its a file.

so, suggestions?

Download Satisfactory Item Dictionary from, and take xinput1_3.dll out of your mods folder. That’s SML, weird shit will happen if you put it in there.

I saw another post where someone said the Satisfactory item dictionary mod was needed. so i installed it. and put the utility mod back also.

now i get this error:

[SML::Info] Attached SatisfactoryModLoader v1.0.2 to Satisfactory
[SML::Info] Finding config file…
[SML::Info] Validating system files…
[SML::Info] Sig file in place!
[SML::Warning] Skipping already disabled crash reporter
[SML::Info] Version check passed!
[SML::Info] Initialized SDK
[SML::Info] Looking for mods in: D:\epic\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess\FactoryGame\Binaries\Win64\mods
[SML::Error] Mod DLL D:\epic\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess\FactoryGame\Binaries\Win64\mods\UtilityMod-0.6.0.dll does not have the required information!
[SML::Error] Mod DLL D:\epic\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess\FactoryGame\Binaries\Win64\mods\xinput1_3.dll does not have the required information!
[SML::Info] Starting mod setup!
[SML::Warning] REGISTRY WARNING: command kill was registered outside of setup!
[SML::Warning] REGISTRY WARNING: API function KillPlayer was registered outside of setup!

its a different error, but it still crashes.

i just saw your post about the copy of the SML in the mods folder. yup, that was it. thanks!

You would also want to remove Utility Mod. It is outdated and doesn’t work anymore. Pak Utility Mod is a good alternative.