I had an error loading the game. at first the log listed a mod DLL, (UtilityMod-0.6.0.dll) then the xinput1_3.dll SML file. so i removed the utility mod, thinking was the issue.
but i still get a xinput1_3.dll error that something is missing. i redownloaded and replaced the dll, but the same thing.
here is the log file. Suggestions?
[SML::Info] Attached SatisfactoryModLoader v1.0.2 to Satisfactory
[SML::Info] Finding config file…
[SML::Info] Validating system files…
[SML::Info] Sig file in place!
[SML::Warning] Skipping already disabled crash reporter
[SML::Info] Version check passed!
[SML::Info] Initialized SDK
[SML::Info] Looking for mods in: D:\epic\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess\FactoryGame\Binaries\Win64\mods
[SML::Error] Mod DLL D:\epic\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess\FactoryGame\Binaries\Win64\mods\xinput1_3.dll does not have the required information!
[SML::Info] Starting mod setup!
[CustomInventorySize::Info] Finished CustomInventorySize setup!